Cleaner Air Partnership

The Cleaner Air Partnership (CAP) is a unique collaboration between Breathe California Sacramento Region, the Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Valley Vision.

These organizations have combined forces to improve the Sacramento region’s air quality. With a geographic focus on the large air basin that we share, including all of Sacramento and Yolo counties, and parts of El Dorado, Placer, Sutter, Solano and Yuba counties, we are improving air quality one day at a time. Since air pollution from cars, trucks and mobile sources makes up 70% of the problem, much of the region’s air quality challenges are in our control.

Who is involved and why?

Breathe has partnered with the Metro Chamber, an organization dedicated to inclusive progress in business in Sacramento, and Valley Vision, a facilitator of community-wide change, to improve the region’s air quality and livability. Through this coordinated effort, change is made possible in every arena: commerce, public health and community involvement.

What is the goal?

Our goal is to improve air quality in the Sacramento region to foster improved health and promotes economic growth.

Why is this important?

The Sacramento region is ranked as having some of the worst air quality in the nation. As a result, the rates of asthma, air pollution related lung conditions and other damaging health impacts are high. Achieving our goals, or “budget,” for decreasing smog and soot set by the federal and state government is a great step toward maintaining federal transportation funding without charging additional fees for businesses.

How does this improve lung health?

Clean air is an important component of both environmental and economic health. By adopting new clean technology strategies we can reduce air pollution while growing the clean energy economy. By prioritizing community health, air quality and growing commerce, many CAP actions get Sacramento closer to achieving California’s improved climate goals.

For more information about the Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, visit

For more information about Valley Vision, visit