Dean O’Brien

Past President – Health Construction Finance Officer Cal-Mortgage Loan Insurance Program

Dean O’Brien is a native West Sacramentan, and currently lives in Midtown Sacramento. O’Brien is a cycling advocate, bike commuter, and avid road cyclist, riding more than 10,000 miles a year. Proud member of Team VeloCity and multi-year Breathe Bike Trek participant, highlight in 2018 when he biked from Sacramento to Petaluma before the Trek even started. His professional background is in business, and he has 17 years of experience in commercial lending, financial analysis, risk management, and real estate development. O’Brien has worked in both the private and public sectors, and currently holds the title of Health Construction Finance Officer at the Cal-Mortgage Loan Insurance Program where he focuses on healthcare facility development financing. O’Brien has demonstrated a passion and commitment to the Sacramento community through his leadership and involvement with the American River Parkway Foundation (Immediate past President / Ride the Parkway Chair), Urban Land Institute Sacramento District Council (Mentorship Program Chair), Cool Projects Bike Tour (Co-Founder), Drexel University Sacramento Alumni Network (Founder / Past President), and volunteer Amateur Athletic Union youth basketball coach for the Sacramento Scorpions.