Smoke-Free Screens

Smoke-Free Screens is a tobacco research project created to eliminate the influence of tobacco in films. Youth volunteers between the ages of 14 and 22 are trained to analyze tobacco content in the most popular films that make it to the top 10 grossing list. Data is posted and shared weekly to and used by university-level researchers and public health professionals across the globe to study the influence of tobacco imagery in films on smoking initiation among youth.

Smoke-Free Screen is regularly published in leading public health and medical journals such as the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report and the Preventing Chronic Disease Journal. In 2014, Smoke-Free Screens data was cited in the Surgeon General’s 50th Anniversary of Tobacco & Health Report.
The data collected by Smoke-Free Screens reviewers is used by the Truth Initiative to produce their “While You Were Streaming: Tobacco’s Starring Role” report which analyzes tobacco imagery across the 15 streaming shows most popular among 15-to 24-year-olds, as well as the year’s most popular movies and music videos.

Why Study Tobacco in Films?

Tobacco use remains the leading cause of preventable lung disease. Scientific studies from UC San Francisco demonstrate that exposure to smoking in movies is a significant risk factor for youth smoking initiation. In fact, 37% of adolescent tobacco initiation can be credited to exposure to smoking in movies. By reducing tobacco use in film, we can reduce the number of people who begin lifelong tobacco habits at an early age. For more information and to search our movie database visit

Student Movie Reviewers

Smoke-Free Screens reviewers meet virtually once a month. By networking and utilizing online youth volunteer websites to assist in recruitment efforts, BREATHE has not only been able to involve local youth, but youth located statewide and nationally. Providing a virtual platform has allowed our program to expand in order to educate and engage youth on how and why tobacco is included in movies, and helps inoculate youth against pro-tobacco messages in media.

Our movie reviewer’s tasks are simple and come with great perks! As a student movie reviewer with BREATHE you will:

  • Review at least one box office hit film per month for free.
  • Receive community service hours and incentives.
  • Contribute to a valuable public health database.

Who Can Be A Student Movie Reviewer?

Smoke-Free Screens is open to anyone ages 14-22. Those interested in participating should have strong attention to detail and enjoy watching movies.

Interested in Joining or Have Questions?
