Electric Vehicle Events

Our Community CarShare Events

The Our Community CarShare program provides free electric vehicle car-sharing to residents of eight Sacramento Housing Authority properties. Our Community CarShare Sacramento aims to promote different forms of transportation with a low carbon footprint, and bring electric vehicles to drivers and families in lower income areas.

It is vital to connect people who are looking for alternative means of transportation with a heavy focus on community engagement and responsibility. Since the CarShare is a free, membership-based project, community members can use the cars for everyday transit throughout the Sacramento Region. For example, parents can schedule their children’s pediatrician visit, friends can carpool to local recreation destinations, and families can use the cars for weekly errand runs.

For more information on the CarShare program, contact Carolyn Tran by email at ctran@sacbreathe.org, by leaving a message on the Our Community CarShare hotline at (916) 346-6805, or by calling the BREATHE office at (916) 444-5900.