Our Community CarShare

What is Our Community CarShare?

Our Community CarShare (OCCS) is a pilot program initiated by the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District. OCCS makes electric vehicles available at a discounted rate to disadvantaged and low-income communities around the Sacramento region. OCCS’ mission is to raise awareness and educate the public on the benefits of electric vehicles, to strengthen local economies by providing a zero-emission transportation option and to reduce emissions from traditional internal combustion vehicles in the Sacramento Region. BREATHE works closely with state agencies and local organizations to increase public awareness and support of electric vehicles, helping to remove barriers towards transportation independence and working towards clean, carbon free air. The program is funded by Cap-and-Trade from California Climate Investments which funds projects that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reach the State’s climate goals.

Why use Community CarShare?

Our Community CarShare Sacramento aims to promote different forms of transportation with a low carbon footprint, while focusing on community engagement to improve air quality. Since OCCS is a membership-based project, community members can use the cars at a discounted rate for everyday transit throughout the Sacramento Region. For example, parents can schedule their children’s pediatrician visit, friends can carpool to local recreation destinations, and families can use the cars for weekly errand runs.

How has Our Community CarShare shaped our communities?

Our Community CarShare currently operates in seven disadvantaged communities in the Sacramento Region. Since the project’s inception, OCCS staff realized there was a need to provide rides to residents who are unable to participate in OCCS due to age, disability, driver’s license status or other factors. To make the program more inclusive, OCCS developed the Community CarShare Representative program, an incentivized, volunteer-based service that connects Community CarShare Representatives (CCRs) with their fellow community members to provide rides using OCCS vehicles. CCRs have been our feet on the ground, providing assistance and guidance to new members, and we are very thankful for their commitment and service to Our Community CarShare!

For more information on the CarShare program, email us at info@ourcarshare.org, leave a message on the Our Community CarShare hotline at (916) 346-6805, or call the BREATHE office at (916) 444-5900.